Legal Disclaimer

By submitting your artwork you also grant an irrevocable, nonexclusive, royalty-free, worldwide copyright license to download, copy, distribute and use the artwork for non-commercial purposes in any media formats and through any media channels for the purpose of illustrating the Russian war against Ukraine.

You are also solely responsible for the artwork and any consequences that might occur because of the submitted content, including infringement of copyright and other intellectual property rights. The person submitting the artwork warrants that he or she is the creator and owner of the submitted artwork or have all necessary rights from other people or companies to use and permit other users to use it.

We reserve the right to reject your artwork or remove it at any time (without notifying you first) for any reason, including if we think the content is offensive, inaccurate, indecent or is otherwise objectionable.

People and media outlets are free to use the artwork in any media formats and through any media channels but solely for the non-commercial purpose of illustrating the Russian war against Ukraine. People and media outlets using the artwork must give an appropriate credit by providing the name of a creator.

We are not responsible for any user content on the platform. People and media outlets using the artwork agree not to make any claims against us in relation to user content on the platform.